image file writing in linux

Writing Img Files to USB in Linux

Img files are quite common to be used to restore image files to a disk medium.

In Windows, the best tool is known to be win32 Disk Imager. Well there is other writer software available but this minimal software preferred at Techworked. We welcome anyone to comment on their recommended solution.

For this article, we going to focus on Linux-based image writers which are tested by Techworked.

  • Multiwriter
    Clean interface. Able to write multiple disks at same time. At the time of writing, we unable to find a way to change the image file. The interface seems do not have any button of settings to change the image file. It pops to choose the image for the first time. For the next lauch , it seems to be fixed to the same image. Hope the author can update with a button for this. Another drawback, is the app tends to copy to all the usb drive. So plugging any drive, eventhough not used to write the image will be affected.
    Tested Version: 3.24
    Website : Gnome Multiwriter
    How to run :
    a. Install for software store in Linux
    b. Launch and run

  • Unetbootin
    More featured app. Provides option to download distribution. Limited to well known distributions only. Need to be updated to obtain new versions. Provides option to load offline iso images. Selectable USB drives. Good and reliable app. Available for multiplatform such as Windows, Linux and Mac
    Tested Version: 608-1
    Website : UNetbootin
    How to run :
    a. Install for software store in Linux
    b. Launch and run

  • Etcher
    A well polished interface. Easy to use. Provide multiple platforms support such as Linux, OSX and windows. For Linux, software provided as appimage. Not available at ubuntu software installer. So head to Download Linux package either x64 or x32 and give a try.
    Tested version : 1.0.0
    Website :
    How to run :
    a. extract the zip file
    b. open terminal --> cd to downloaded folder
    c. run following command

    sudo ./Etcher-1.0.0-linux-x64.AppImage

  • Gnome Disks
    ubuntu disks
    Linux default app. Provides an overview of disks, mounting and formating options. Provides option to backup and restore images. As per our testing, the image writing dosen’t work on some images. This depends on images type used. One of the useful app in linux.
    Tested Version: 3.24.0
    Website : Gnome Disks
    How to run :
    a. Install for software store in Linux
    b. Launch and run

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