GCP (Google Cloud Platform) offers great features to support expanding web services. Thus, it is good to build our web services on this platform. Especially, e-commerce website will have great advantage as the GCP platform enables to upgrade services easily to support increasing customer base. Lets see how to deploy WordPress at GCP.
Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube.Alongside a set of management tools, it provides, a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics and machine learning
By Wikepedia
GCP (Google Cloud Platform) offers great features to support expanding web services. Thus, it is good to deploy our web services on this platform. Especially, e-commerce websites will have great advantages, as the GCP platform enables to upgrade services easily to support increasing traffic..
Good news that Google Cloud Platform GCP offered 365days free usage worth of USD 300. It is a great opportunity to try out this platform.
Find more details on the FREE offer by Google Cloud Platform HERE
At Techworked, we will cover on how to set up the famous WordPress CMS on Google Cloud Platform.
Let’s look at the flow;
- At first, you have to open and account with google. If you have google account then proceed to step 2.
- Activate Google Cloud Platform free account by clicking Try It Free at HERE
- Follow the process. Requires Credit Card or Bank Account to enable the service. (Google does not charge for this. It is merely to verify your identity)
- Once you reach dashboard as below, you are ready to begin.
- To deploy and system into Google CLoud Platform, we need to create a project. Click Create. And fill the required information.
- Once created, your dashboard will have the following details.
- Next lets create WordPress. Click on the Cloud Launcher on the Left pane.
- Then Find WordPress stack in the list as below. There are several WordPress. In this we will use WordPress Google Click to Deploy.
- Click on Launch on Compute Engine. Ignore the pricing as we will be in trial. Basically the price is not final as the hardware can be changed. The configuration provided by Techworked will cost lower.
- Basically, for each deployment GCP will create a virtual machine and specified hardware and install the WordPress in it. You can select the specifications as listed below for startup.
- Once done, click Deploy. GCP will take sometime to create VM and install WordPress. Once completed, you will see as below, where login details will be displayed.Copy and keep all the details.
- Voila, your wordpress ready to be used. Use the site address to visit your site.
- To access the backend, use the site address and add /wp-admin at the back. Then use the username and password provided by GCP page.
Good job on deploying WordPress on Google Cloud Platform. So after 365 days over, how much it is going to cost?
Pricing Calculation
To answer this Google GCP has provided a price calculator. Find it HERE. The cost changes according to hardware specification.
Stay tuned at Techworked to find more on GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM.