List of Useful commands for starters in Linux (constantly updated 13/8/16)
lspci --> Lists all controllers connected to PCI
lspci | grep VGA --> Lists all available graphic controllers connected to PCI
lspci | grep Audio --> Lists all available audio controllers connected to PCI
lsusb --> Lists all connected USB controllers
ifconfig --> Lists all available network devices in detail
apt-get --> Get os updates
cd --> Change the current directory
chmod --> Change file permission
cp --> Copy file and directories
echo --> Display or repeat a string
exit --> Terminate a script
grep --> Searches for specific string
ifup --> Enables a network device
ifdown --> Disables a network device
ls --> Lists files and directories
netstat --> Provides information and statistics of connected TCPIP connections
nslookup --> Finds a specific ip or hostname in the network
ping --> Used to test connectivity
ps --> lists running process
pwd --> Shows current working directory
shutdown --> Turn off, restart and more
sudo --> Provides system admin capability
SSH --> Remote access to securely gain access to another computer on network
wget --> Gets file from remote network location