restore maintenance mode

Recover from WordPress Maintenance Mode

WordPress releases plugin and theme updates frequently. This is either to improve the plugin or to add new features. But unexpected problem does happen when performing these updates. WordPress gets into a temporary maintenance mode when this update initiated. When the browser refreshed or any other issue causing the page to reload, then the WordPress website stuck in maintenance mode. Techworked listed the rescue steps to recover your page.

The image below shows the state of WordPress website when it is stuck in maintenance mode.

maintenance mode

Follow these steps to recover

    1. Get into Hosting file manager or FTP connection to your web hostingfile manager
    2. Click settings to show hidden files (Depends on your hosting UI)hiddenSetting
    3. Open public_html folderpublichtml
    4. Find .maintenance filemaintenance file
    5. Delete the .maintenance file.deletemaintenance
    6. Refresh your website. Your side should be back to normal.

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