Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Are you new to Raspberry Pi? Probably you have heard about Raspberry Pi from a hobbyist , web search or your working colleagues. Techworked will cover some basics about Raspberry Pi and how to Get started with it.

New to Raspberry Pi? Then head over to Raspberry Pi official page to learn more. Click Here

A simple explanation about Raspberry Pi from Wikipedia

The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing countries.

Where to buy Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi Models

Raspberry Pi Models
Image source from Raspberry Pi Foundation

Latest models are Raspberry Pi 3 , Pi Zero W and Pi Zero.

Official Accessories

Image source from Raspberry Pi Foundation

You can buy more accessorises from 3rd party developers such as Cytron, Adafruit, DFrobot and more.

Industrial Modules

Industrial modules
Image source from Raspberry Pi Foundation

If you are looking to develop an own product using raspberry ecosystem then these modules will be the right choice. These units come with processing part only. Thus connectivity, storage, and other features must be added to have a functional system. These units are guaranteed to be available for longer period of time, due to industrial requirement EOL (End of Life)

So, grab one of these units from Raspberry Pi Foundation and get the following parts ready in order to get started.

  1. Raspberry Pi (Best to use Raspberry Pi model 3/2 B+)
  2. Power Adapter (Can make use of Smartphone charger)
  3. Micro Sd Card and Sd card  Adapter
  4. USB Wifi Adapter (Not required for Raspberry Pi 3)
  5. Monitor (HDMI input)
  6. Raspberry pi Official Screen (Optional)
  7. Keyboard and Mouse
  8. Lan Cable
    Image source from Raspberry Pi Foundation

More detailed information’s can be found here


  1. Connect HDMI cable from monitor
  2. Plug in USB from mouse and keyboard
  3. Plug in USB Wifi (Not required for Raspberry Pi 3)
  4. Plug in micro SD Card (Make sure OS is loaded) – How to flash Raspberry Pi Image into SD Card
  5. Plug in the micro USB power supply
  6. Turn on the power supply

Image source from Raspberry Pi Foundation

The steps above has covered all the basics and how to set up the hardware with micro SD card. You can read how to load OS to micro SD card here

On the first boot, the system will do extra work such as expanding file system. Wait until Raspberry Pi loads into a working desktop environment depending on the OS variety chosen.

The default OS, Pixel Raspian from Raspberry Pi should look like below

Pixel OS


Once you get the screen as above, we must perform OS update. For this connect to any Wifi or Lan internet. Then initiate commands as below in a Terminal;

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get upgrade

Press ‘Y’ then enter once there is a prompt.

Once the OS is fully updated, you are ready to begin with any projects.

Find our more projects on Raspberry Pi at Techworked.

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