Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

Improve Raspberry PI VNC Display Resolution

Simple solution to improve remote viewing Raspian desktop through VNC.

Getting Image and Video from Raspberry Pi Camera

One of the interesting feature on Raspberry pi is the camera interface. But it dosen’t [...]

Fixed IP for Raspberry PI

Two comman ways to make a connection with Raspberry PI.

Install BCM2835 Library in Raspberry Pi

BCM2835 by AirSpayce is one of the widely used Raspberry Pi IO access library.

Raspberry Pi Remove Bloated Apps with Single Script

Raspberry Pi official os Raspian Deskop comes with plenty of apps preinstalled which might not [...]

Enable SSH in Headless Raspberry Pi Raspian

Raspberry pi official OS Raspian can be run as headless unit. SSH need to be [...]


Find IP Address of a Headless Raspberry Pi

Raspian OS for Raspberry Pi enables headless startup with SSH on fresh OS load. You [...]


Raspberry Pi – List of Available Disk Images

Raspberry pi created huge ecosystem of developers which contributed to wide variety of OS and [...]

Install Node.js v0.10 and Node Red on Raspberry Pi

After upgrading Node.js to latest release on Raspberry, seems Node-Red gets removed. Techworked will cover [...]

Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi

Got yourself a Raspberry Pi? Let’s get started with Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi.

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