Arduino Wifi Shield Upgrade - Techworked

Arduino Wifi Shield Upgrade


Arduino Wifi Shield

When you first bought an arduino wifi shield you might face some problems in making wifi webserver. This is due to the firmware on the wifi shield not supporting the webserver.

A latest firmware upgrade should make this work. But upgrading the firmware is quite a process for a begineer.

Let me show you a simple and step by step to upgrade the firmware.

1. If the module is connected to arduino Uno (in this case) , unplug it from computer and sperate the shield from arduino Uno.

2. Now on the shield there is a jumper at J3. Initially it is just connected to one pin. Now connect the two pins together using the jumper as on the image below.

3. Now download Flip package from Atmel website and install as normal.

4. Download these attached files. Wifi_dnld.elf and WifiHD.elf

5. Save these two files in c:\

6. Now connect the wifi shield to computer USB.

7. Open command prompt in windows. (press windows key and R, then type cmd in the box and press enter)

8. Point to Flip installation folder.

     i.e   cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Flip 3.4.7\bin

9. Execute the command as below

batchisp.exe -device AT32UC3A1256 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer c:\wifi_dnld.elf program verify start reset 0

10. Once the command in (9) executed successfully execute the following.

batchisp.exe -device AT32UC3A1256 -hardware usb -operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer c:\wifiHD.elf program verify start reset 0

11. Once everything is okay. Remove the jumper and USB. Reconnect the wifi shield to Arduino and upload webserver example in the Arduino IDE to test out.

In case if you want to check the version of the current firmware, just insert the code below in the void setup() section to print the version information in serial monitor.


Voila your successfully upgraded your wifi shield …..

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