
10 Must Have Free Softwares for Windows

Techworked has compiled a list of 10 must have free software’s for windows. The softwares are totally free to use without any license requirement.

Following softwares are based on Techworked recommendation must haves;

    1. Compression Tool – BandiZip
      Bandizip is a lightweight, fast and free All-In-One Zip Archiver.Bandizip has a very fast Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with Fast Drag and Drop, High Speed Archiving, and Multi-core compression. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, Rar, and so on. Clean and ad free.

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    2. Browser – Mozilla Firefox
      Best open source browser. Support multi processor architecture. Developed by non-profit organization. Vast number of add ons and secure. Provided with privacy mode and sync function which can save data across devices such as bookmarks , tabs and add ons. Special browser made for web developers available as separate software for free.

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    3. Image Editor – GIMP

      One of the best alternative to paid photo editors. Useful for basic and intermediate usage. Built in multiple formats handling and image manipulation tools.Fast and lightweight. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins.

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    4. Music – Spotify
      Free music for everyone. Even though Spotify offer paid service, free service just enough to be used in daily basis. Some features limitation such as play any song, no ads, download offline and better quality.

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    5. Torrent – Bittorrent
      One of the best torrent downloaders. Free but with ads. Simple interface and lightweight . Can download large files. Supports pause and resume.

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    6. Office – WPS Office

      Best productivity suite for windows. Alternative to paid Microsoft Office. Provides quite similar functions as Microsoft paid version. Useful for basic usage. Support Microsoft office formats.

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    7. Video Player – Pot Player
      Best media player for windows. Supports large variety of formats. Simple and lightweight interface. Supports hardware acceleration and more. Best media player to date.

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    8. Note taking – Notepad++
      Replacement for windows built in Notepad application. Notepad++ offers various enhancement such as tabs, code detection and coloring,formatting, marcro, line numbers and useful for code developers as well.

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    9. Copy Handler – TeraCopy
      Alternative for windows copy handler. Enhances copy activities with queueing, recover process, skip files, shell integration, easier moving files and more. Best suited to replace limited windows handler.

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    10. Email – Thunderbird Client

      Email client for windows desktop. Alternative to Microsoft outlook or windows mail. More feature rich and settings. Able to provide offline emails, multiple protocol supports, large add on support and more. Open source and secure. Able to add multiple accounts.

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